Hinterland Chiropractic, Nerang - Ph: (07) 5527 3133 | Beaudesert Chiropractic, Browns Plains - Ph: (07) 3806 8686

Restore your Health, Vitality and Well Being

Services - Chiropractic

When the 24 bones that protect the spinal cord lose their normal position or motion, delicate nerve tissue can become impeded or aggravated. If a thorough examination reveals malfunctioning areas of the spine, chiropractic adjustments are recommended to help correct this condition.

A chiropractic adjustment is the use of a specific force in a precise direction, applied to a joint that is fixated, locked-up or not moving properly. Adjustments help return the bones to a more normal position or motion, alleviating pain and ailing health.

There are many different ways to adjust the spine. The doctor uses his hands or a specially designed instrument to apply a gentle force to a specific area of the spine. Regardless of the technique used, each chiropractic adjustment is tailored to suit the patients age, size and unique spinal problem.

Adjustments help normalise spinal function and avoid bone and soft tissue degeneration. Once the nervous system function improves, the body can begin the natural healing process.

Expediating the healing process.

The doctors are dedicated to getting the optimal structural results for their patients. In order to assist this healing process both our clinics incorporate orthopaedic devices to hasten the correction of spinal disorders. This means that the symptoms patients may be experiencing can be reduced faster at the same time as improving the structural imbalances. The better the shape and function of your spine the better your health.

Our doctors and trained Chiropractic assistants can give advice on orthopaedic pillows which we also incorporate into the patients care. Having the correct pillow is paramount to a persons healing as we spend a third of our life sleeping. Therefore ensuring we sleep in the correct position with the appropriate support is crucial to our posture and ultimately spine and nervous system.

As the doctors of our clinic focus on correcting postural misalignments, they may incorporate a specially designed cervical posture device to further enhance the healing process for the patient. Patients using the cervical posture device have shown better improvement in their posture, overall level of health and wellbeing and these changes have been obvious in follow-up x-rays. It is important that our patients see the results of their efforts and are duly rewarded through having better posture which ultimately leads to improved health and vitality. An optimal functioning spine and nervous system lead to optimal heath.

Hinterland Chiropractic, Nerang - Ph: (07) 5527 3133
Beaudesert Chiropractic, Browns Plains - Ph: (07) 3806 8686