Hinterland Chiropractic, Nerang - Ph: (07) 5527 3133 | Beaudesert Chiropractic, Browns Plains - Ph: (07) 3806 8686
Restore your Health, Vitality and Well Being
The answer is yes! The spine is your lifeline that protects your nervous
system which is the master control system of your body. Your nervous
system controls every cell, tissue and organ in your body. Therefore
if your spine is not functioning correctly it may irritate your
nerves which in turn can affect the functioning of your body.
An estimated 80% of us will suffer from a low back pain for a period of 2 weeks
or greater during our lifetime. In a recent Australian study it found the incidence
of low back pain to be as high as 57% in adolescents. Many of these problems
we encounter, as adults are an accumulation of injuries, which begin during
What can you do to prevent spinal problems?
Prevent prolonged watching of T.V. The longer T.V. is watched the higher the
incidence of low back pain. Correct posture while sitting. This is important
in the classroom. Regular participation in some sports can actually increase
back pain A previous untreated back injury can lead to future reoccurrence.
By using a backpack rather than a hand held bag. Note: backpacks are only effective
when worn on both shoulders. Get a regular check up from a member of the Chiropractors
Association of Australia.
We are all aware of the importance of regular dental checkups and dental care
but many of us are unaware to the importance of spinal care. Unfortunately "out
of sight, out of mind" is the current approach. Remember as the twig is bent
so grows the tree. So would you like to know the state of your spinal health?
Contact a member of the Chiropractors Association today.
Chiropractic education in terms of classroom hours is compatible to that of medicine. In fact the two professions use many of the same texts. The difference is that Chiropractic students will have much greater training in diagnosis and correction of the spine along with X-ray analysis, while the Medical student will concentrate more on pharmacology and general surgery. A Chiropractors education never really ends. Most doctors complete many hours of post-graduate studies and continuing education courses. Virtually every doctor attends seminars, scientific symposia and reads professional journals to keep up with the latest research.
After deciding to attend a Chiropractic office you will usually complete some simple paper work to help your Chiropractor understand the history of your health. Your Chiropractor will then review your health history and determine if your problem is best helped by chiropractic care. Many patients who understand the importance of correct nerve and spinal functioning come in for a check-up long before any symptoms are present. Remember it is easier to stay well than get well.
The doctor will commence a thorough examination. The type of tests that the doctor
will perform will be determined by the results of your consultation. The assessment
will include various orthopaedic tests, bi-lateral weight scale analysis, postural
analysis, reflexes, range of motion, and thermography. At the conclusion of
these exams the doctor may recommend having x-rays, however this is based on
each persons individual case. Following any x-rays and tests you will be scheduled
for a report to go over your doctors findings. This report is thoroughly explained
to you with an outline of what, if any further care will be necessary. Your
Chiropractor will outline a program of care which will be best suited to your
unique health condition.
Chiropractic care is among the safest in the healing arts. The primary method of treatment that a Chiropractor uses is the "Adjustment". This is where the Chiropractor applies a gentle force to any fixated areas of the spine (known as a Vertebral Subluxation) to restore normal motion and function. Many different adjusting techniques may be used depending on the patient's individual problem. All are safer than back surgery, muscle relaxants and even aspirin.
There is no doubt that Chiropractic is considered the most effective treatment for low back pain by many health researchers. One such study by the British Medical Research Council even recommended the inclusion of chiropractic within the National Health Service when it was found that Chiropractic care was more cost effective and enabled more people to return to work faster than traditional medical methods of care. However Chiropractic is definitely not limited to sore backs. Headaches, migraines, pins and needles, numbness in the arms and legs, joint stiffness, hip pain, "growing pains" in children are just some of the myriad of other symptoms that are often removed with Chiropractic care. Many patients will also report with regular care such things as improved sleeping patterns, greater energy levels, better concentration, improved work capacity and a general overall improvement in well being.
As birth is one of the most traumatic experiences we all undergo, many parents are having their children checked shortly afterwards. Surprisingly, the most common reason for taking children to the Chiropractor was for ear ache. Other common reasons include a check-up, headaches, upper respiratory infection, bed wetting and allergies. Recent studies have also shown Chiropractic to be a very effective form of therapy for colic. Considering all of the above benefits you are never too young to receive the benefits of Chiropractic. Remember as the twig is bent so grows the tree.
Your initial visit fee of $90 is a little more expensive than subsequent visits,
as your Chiropractor will spend some time with you confirming your specific
needs. Should X-rays be required, this fee may be covered by Medicare.
An adjustment fee is $45 per visit with discounts offered to students, pensioners
and additional family members.
do not need a medical referral to see a Chiropractor as they are primary contact
practitioners. Most health funds rebate Chiropractic fees, so check with your
fund first.
Think about how you care for your teeth. You brush them every day in order to prevent decay. Like regular dental check-ups, Chiropractic care is an effective preventative measure. Once patients experience the value of Chiropractic care many choose to continue.
Hinterland Chiropractic, Nerang - Ph: (07) 5527 3133
Beaudesert Chiropractic, Browns Plains - Ph: (07) 3806 8686